What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

Happy Friday, everyone! This article reminds us of all the potential problems that financial planning and investing mistakes can cause. We realize no one is perfect, but there are safeguards that can be instituted so you can feel confident in your retirement and estate planning decisions.

We can help. Just give us a call. And an added gift to you is our Osprey Estate Planning Organizer to download here! Print it out. Put one in your safe deposit box, give one to your executor or successor trustee, and make their job easier.

To your Prosperity!

Aaron Wade, Kasey Claytor, Dawn Lopez & Kelsey Bartholomew

A friend of ours was lamenting how slow and costly it was to sort out his parents’ estate after they had both passed away. His father thought that by setting up a trust, everything would be easily distributed to his heirs.

Unfortunately, our friend and his siblings found out that there were lots of loose ends their father hadn’t taken care of—things he wasn’t even aware he was supposed to do. For example, he had money in an investment account that wasn’t included in the trust and didn’t have named beneficiaries. As a result, his children were going to have to spend considerable time and money to send it through probate.

Our friend is convinced these were things that would all have been taken care of (or at least planned for) if his father had worked with a financial advisor. His dad was a highly intelligent man with good intentions. But what he didn’t know cost his kids thousands in unnecessary taxes and legal fees.

But it’s not just in estate planning where ignorance comes at a high cost.

Laura Beck writes in Yahoo!Finance about her conversation with a retiree who didn’t use an advisor, but now sees significant ways professional help could have greatly impacted his finances. She identifies him only as Wes B. (probably to save embarrassment).

One area where Wes B. realized he should have worked with an advisor was in saving for retirement. He thought he was being smart by putting money only in investments he understood, like the stock of the company he worked for. Now he realizes that his misunderstanding of risk led him to put too many eggs in one basket.

Another area Wes now wishes he’d had help in was timing when to take Social Security. He thought it was a no-brainer to start getting the benefit as soon as he was eligible at age 62. He made this decision, in part, because of his mistaken assumptions about his own predicted longevity. Now he sees it as a costly mistake.

But the biggest way Wes B. is now convinced an advisor could have helped him was in planning for unexpectedly big costs in retirement, such as healthcare and taxes. He thought Medicare would cover everything and that retirees didn’t have to pay taxes.

He told Beck that he made costly mistakes in all these areas—mistakes he could have avoided if he had sat down with an advisor.

Our friend with the challenging estate process put it this way: “An advisor’s job isn’t to help you ‘game’ the market for an extra thousand bucks. They’re there to keep you from making that $50,000 mistake.”1 

And as our friend can attest, those mistakes are easy to make.

Your trusted advisor is there to help make sure your journey from wealth accumulation to retirement to passing along your estate goes according to a carefully considered plan. Taking steps today to prepare and plan with a competent professional can help both you and your loved ones achieve the financial wellbeing you desire. 


1. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/m-retired-boomer-7-reasons-120052274.html


The views expressed herein are exclusively those of Efficient Advisors, LLC (‘EA’), and are not meant as investment advice and are subject to change. All charts and graphs are presented for informational and analytical purposes only. No chart or graph is intended to be used as a guide to investing. EA portfolios may contain specific securities that have been mentioned herein. EA makes no claim as to the suitability of these securities. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Information contained herein is derived from sources we believe to be reliable, however, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. This information is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. You should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any security or investment strategy discussed or recommended in this report and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. You should note that security values may fluctuate and that each security’s price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Investing in any security involves certain systematic risks including, but not limited to, market risk, interest-rate risk, inflation risk, and event risk. These risks are in addition to any unsystematic risks associated with particular investment styles or strategies.

Planning Retirement isn’t just a Financial Plan – The Five Accomplishments You Need In Place

Having walked my clients through planning, approaching, and living in retirement financially for the last almost 40 years, I couldn’t help but pick up on other aspects facing us besides the money part, such as grappling with when to retirewhat to do in retirement, and how to plan a full and thriving last third of life. As I heard someone say, “What are you going to do between now and death?”

As we near our ‘golden years,’ we observe our elders living in a great variety of ways, from scrapping by on social security to cruising or flying around the world and traveling between multiple homes.  There is an undeniable correlation between financial health and satisfaction in the later years, but this doesn’t mean you need to be stinking rich.

A successful retirement appears to have several moving parts: financial, health and wellbeing, relationships, passions, and purpose. Let’s face it: Nearing death also affects one’s beliefs and how one experiences one’s spiritual life. So, how do we prepare ourselves for this last and significant period of our lives?

First, not planning for it or setting goals, not contemplating how you will live in retirement, can cause unnecessary suffering later on. With no plan, no savings, and with no interests outside of work, some retirees may end up spinning in their own exhaust, nowhere to go and nothing to do. This can be disastrous for the human spirit. Depression and other mental health problems can take hold, leading to unhappiness and even physical ailments. But let’s not dwell on this because the fact that you are reading this means you are proactive, interested, and willing to learn. Yay, you!

This topic could easily be a 400-page book, but I will give you the briefest of outlines here.

1) Financially

  • Never too early or too late to begin saving. Have your paycheck debited for your employer plan, or have your checking account systematically debited to go into an IRA, as much as you can afford, and then a little more.
  • Invest in a broad, diversified portfolio with stocks and bonds, low fees, and comprehensive management.
  • Beware if you have the tendency, like some parents of adult children, to financially help them to such an extent that you harm your own comfortable retirement. I remember a client who borrowed against his home and withdrew from his IRAs to help a daughter who said she couldn’t find a job. He did this until he and his wife had to give up their plans to travel with their friends in retirement. He died leaving nothing for his wife, and only after his death did his daughter go to work to support herself.
  • We used to say that in the financial business in the 1980s, you needed at least as much in savings as your closest decade,  a hundred thousand dollars for each. For instance, at 40 years old, you should have saved $400,000; at 60, $600,000; and so on. Typical standards now in financial planning state are that it really takes much closer to one million to have financial freedom these days to enable no financial worries and the ability to take care of all your needs.  Yet, I have seen people retire with half that and get along just fine.
  • Educate yourself on how money and the markets work. Call our office at 321-383-4005 for our 30-page booklet on the 7 Big Mistakes Investors Make and the 7 Habits of Successful Investors to get you started.

2) Health and Wellbeing

  • Of course, take good care of yourself. Eat a good, healthy diet with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean proteins.
  • Get outside every day. Walk, bike, swim, play, explore, move. Take up yoga or Tai chi, dancing, or some other social exercise. These good habits will be easy to follow into retirement. With good balance, falls become much less likely, among many other benefits.
  • Find a mindfulness practice you like, such as meditation, contemplation, breathing techniques, prayer, and self-reflection. Conditioning the mind for well-being is also essential.
  • If you do have anxiety, depression, or other emotional problems bothering you, find a good therapist. Most of these issues are resolved with the proper help. Our society still attaches an unfortunate stigma to getting assistance in this area, but it is so essential, shows emotional maturity and self-care, and can be a rewarding experience.
  • Develop a positive attitude toward aging and retirement. Daydream about all the activities and experiences you’ll be able to enjoy and the friends and family with whom you will spend time. If you don’t have a close circle of friends, join a club or a class. Get involved in something you enjoy, sports, a book club, knitting, hiking, etc., and read; I can’t stress how much reading can enhance anyone’s life in so many ways. There are so many great books in the self-help genre, but even a great book of fiction is a positive experience.
  • Cultivate peace with your own passing. Our cultures in the West have a poor record of coming to terms with death. It’s not usually spoken about except in dramatic and negative ways; we pretend it isn’t inevitable; we try to extend the lives of our loved ones in often grotesque and extreme ways, making their last days, weeks or months lying in a sterile facility hooked up to machines and on heavy medications. My recommendation is to have a good plan. Most states have a Dying with Dignity form to fill out, describing what you want to be done and how in a terminal situation. Let us know if you would like us to mail you one.  Other than this, building a solid belief of your own, whether religious or faith in life and nature, can reframe the end of life as something not to fear. There are many great books on this.

3) Relationships

  • Fostering good relationships takes time, effort, and the ability to forgive—maybe yourself or others. We all say or do things we don’t mean at times, and we are hurt by others’ words or actions. Without processing these productively, we can be emotionally drained, hurt, or worse. Forgive yourself and others. I know it’s hard. I will never forget a ninety-six-year-old, long-time client on his deathbed telling me he had been too hard on his wife and children. He was verbally abusive. He carried this all of his life. If he had been self-reflective, brave enough to look within, and been able to forgive himself, he wouldn’t have been so full of pain at the end.
  • Approaching this last stage of life, we can take the opportunity to develop a positive relationship with ourselves and others that will nurture us.

4) Passions and Purpose

  • What do you envision doing during retirement? So many people have jobs they don’t enjoy, so they dream of retiring as soon as possible, looking forward to having endless free days, like permanent weekends. But they’ve spent little time thinking about what they will do in retirement. I’ve seen some retire in their 50s and become bored, aimless, and searching. Some go back to work. Some actually lose interest in life.

On the other hand, I’ve seen people in their 70s who have no intention of retiring anytime soon because they love what they are doing.

  • Studies show that the more control you have over what you do at work, who you work with, and so on, the more satisfied you are. I believe that is why entrepreneurs often scoff at the idea of retiring; they are already living the life of their dreams.
  • To discover what your perfect retirement might look like, create a vision board of activities and places you’re interested in exploring. Think about what you enjoyed as a child.
  • Ask how you may serve your community.

5) Deciding When to Retire

  • So, I am guessing you are beginning to see that fiscal retirement is not just about what age you can retire; it is about so much more than that.

1) You want to retire when you are healthy and able to enjoy your passions

2) You’ve figured out how to fulfill your needs for community, purpose, interests, and activities.

3) Ensure you aren’t just continuing to work because you have no idea what else to do with your life. Maybe you aren’t totally satisfied with your work but haven’t invested the time to explore what else might interest you.

4) What about semi-retiring? This is becoming very popular for those who have this option. And if you don’t, perhaps you could retire and pick up a part-time job doing something you’ve always wanted to do, like teaching art or working in a counseling position.

5) Talk with your financial advisor about the income you will need during retirement. Consider the cost of your desired lifestyle, your social security, and the amount of investments it will take to produce the income.

These subjects require some introspection; knowing yourself well will help you plan your later years to your benefit. Settling into the idea of being an elder in the community, offering your hard-wrought wisdom, having loving relationships, enjoying the fruits of your labor, knowing how to still play, and exploring the world with a sense of wonder can make your retirement the best time of your life.

Osprey Maney Managment Newsletter October, 2024

We hope this newsletter finds everyone safe and comfortable after this awful hurricane season in the Southeast. Our offices experienced outages, and the parking lot was a complete mess, but we were very lucky in our neck of the woods. We were glad we had just put a new roof on our old building.

Today’s article is regarding how an election might affect your portfolios. Let us know if you have any questions.

To your Prosperity!

Aaron Wade, Kasey Claytor, Dawn Lopez & Kelsey Bartholomew

How Much Do Elections Affect the Stock Market?

With the election just weeks away, you’ve probably seen some pretty dramatic predictions about what will happen to the economy if one side or the other wins.
While the outcome of this particular election is hard to predict (not just nationally but also for state and local offices), economists have identified some market behavior that’s sure to occur.
Just the fact that we’re having an election tends to increase uncertainty. Investors don’t like uncertainty. And so it tends to make them react more strongly to market information.
“In the absence of a clear consensus about the (election) outcome,” writes economist Clive Walker, “we see larger daily price changes that seem to offset each other.”1 
In other words, we might see bigger swings both up and down, but in the long run, stock prices will likely remain largely unchanged.
Businesses also don’t like uncertainty. One study found that U.S. firms tend to reduce investment expenditures during election years, which can depress the market. On the other hand, older research suggests that politicians often attempt to boost the economy before elections. 
So again, a significant long-term effect seems unlikely to occur, much less persist for any meaningful time period.
Uncertainty can continue after the election as everyone waits to see what new policies the winners will enact. These changes are most likely to affect industries that are sensitive to government spending, including sectors like healthcare, defense, and finance. Additionally, new tax policies will also have some effect.
While politicians may promise a chicken in every pot and a new car in every garage, the economy is just too complex, and economic cycles are simply too long to guarantee immediate prosperity. However, economic promises resonate strongly with voters, so politicians are not going to stop making them.
Knowing this, the prudent investor won’t be overly optimistic or overly worried about how the election will affect his or her portfolio. They will expect to see increased volatility, especially when the national race is so closely contested. They will expect the market to overreact in the short term while investors wait for the dust to settle.
Elections are important. As free citizens, we have both the privilege and responsibility to vote. So, we encourage you to get out your voter’s guide and make your best-informed decision about who should be in charge of our local, state, and national governments.
Sources:1. http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/ctions-affect-the-stock-market/95p293/2481654251/h/S_rYvpDvTgMO47sOFIYrbtW1oJmFqALaz5WkCeWhXlM
Disclosure:The views expressed herein are exclusively those of Efficient Advisors, LLC (‘EA’), and are not meant as investment advice and are subject to change. All charts and graphs are presented for informational and analytical purposes only. No chart or graph is intended to be used as a guide to investing. EA portfolios may contain specific securities that have been mentioned herein. EA makes no claim as to the suitability of these securities. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Information contained herein is derived from sources we believe to be reliable, however, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. This information is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. You should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any security or investment strategy discussed or recommended in this report and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. You should note that security values may fluctuate and that each security’s price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Investing in any security involves certain systematic risks including, but not limited to, market risk, interest-rate risk, inflation risk, and event risk. These risks are in addition to any unsystematic risks associated with particular investment styles or strategies.

Third Quarter Market Review

Commentary From Our Investment Team

As Interest Rates Climb, are Bonds Still a Good Investment?

“The best protection against inflation is your own personal earning power. . . If you do something valuable and good for society, it doesn’t matter what the U.S. dollar does.” – Warren Buffett

The Federal Reserve has two main goals: to keep unemployment low and keep inflation low. They have basically one tool for achieving this: setting interest rates. Lately, unemployment has been low, but inflation has been running at its highest level in more than 40 years. Consequently, to bring it down by putting a damper on the economy, the Fed has continued its policy of increasing interest rates.

This course of action was seen as inevitable by those who believed the current round of inflation was not as “temporary and transitory” as many had hoped. As a result of this tightening of the money supply the stock market responded with a series of corrections which has resulted in another quarter of losses for all the major indexes.

Whether this latest round of rate hikes will finally slow inflation is yet to be seen. It certainly has participated in bringing down the prices of stocks. For this reason, those who believe the market will eventually return to its long-term trend of growth have been purchasing equities at a discount.

However, stocks are not the only widely traded instrument available to investors. Bonds are also a key component of a diverse portfolio. While they too have suffered under rising rates, they have a built-in mechanism which dampens their volatility.

The Bond Teeter-Totter

Bonds are instruments of debt instead of equity (like stocks) and have two components, which is why people often find them confusing. A bond is basically an IOU between a borrower (the government or corporation issuer) and a lender (the purchaser). As with a loan, the bond issuer agrees to repay the principal on a predetermined schedule and make interest payments along the way.

A bond can be bought and sold like a stock; therefore it has a market price. So, the two components of a bond are its value (market price) and its income return (interest payments).

Many factors can affect a bond’s price, including its duration (sensitivity to small interest rate changes) and the reliability of the issuer. For example, bonds with a higher risk of default are called junk bonds and have a higher return as a result.

Another significant factor in the price of a bond is a change in interest rates. When a high-quality bond is issued, its return will be in line with current interest rates. For example, let’s say a bond was issued when rates were at 2%. When the Fed raises interest rates to 2.25%, that 2% return becomes less attractive. After all, you can buy new bonds with higher returns. In turn that original bond’s price drops until its return reflects the new higher rate.

Here’s how that would work with a 10-year bond worth $100 that pays 2%. Interest rates rise to 2.25%. That bond will drop to $80 in value, because at that lower price $100 worth will now pay 2.25%.

This teeter-totter effect tends to balance out the loss in market value. Of course, like stocks, you only realize a loss when you sell a bond.

Bonds have this built-in mitigating factor and a predetermined term and return, because of this they tend to be less volatile than stocks. Of course, that lower risk produces lower returns on average. However, when stocks are taking a beating, investors find the relative safety of bonds more attractive, and their prices go up. On the other hand, when stocks are soaring, investors find lower- performing bonds less attractive, and they fall in value.

In general, stocks and bonds tend to move in opposite directions, which makes owning both an attractive tactic in an overall strategy of holding a diverse portfolio. Since the movements of the market are unpredictable, the most prudent strategy is to own instruments that allow you to benefit from unexpected gains, while limiting your exposure to unexpected losses.

The big events that affect the global market are so unpredictable—events like the pandemic, the Great Resignation, and the war in Ukraine. So, it makes sense to follow a plan that’s designed for the long-term.

Who knows what surprises will be in store for investors this next quarter?

But we can be sure that investors who worry less about what they can’t control, and focus more on the things they can, will be much better off in the long run.

Quarterly Market Summary

Index returns

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Indices are not available for direct investment. Index performance does not reflect the expenses associated with the management of an actual portfolio. Market segment (index representation) as follows: US Stock Market (Russell 3000 Index), International Developed Stocks (MSCI World ex USA Index [net dividends]), Emerging Markets (MSCI Emerging Markets Index [net dividends]), Global Real Estate (S&P Global REIT Index [net dividends]), US Bond Market (Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index), and Global Bond Market ex US (Bloomberg Global Aggregate ex-USD Bond Index [hedged to USD]). S&P data © 2022 S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global. All rights reserved. Frank Russell Company is the source and owner of the trademarks, service marks, and copyrights related to the Russell
Indexes. MSCI data © MSCI 2022, all rights reserved. Bloomberg data provided by Bloomberg.

Long-Term Market Summary

Index returns as of September 30, 2022

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Indices are not available for direct investment. Index performance does not reflect the expenses associated with the management of an actual portfolio. Market segment (index representation) as follows: US Stock Market (Russell 3000 Index), International Developed Stocks (MSCI World ex USA Index [net dividends]), Emerging Markets (MSCI Emerging Markets Index [net dividends]), Global Real Estate (S&P Global REIT Index [net dividends]), US Bond Market (Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index), and Global Bond Market ex US (Bloomberg Global Aggregate ex-USD Bond Index [hedged to USD]). S&P data © 2022 S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global. All rights reserved. Frank Russell Company is the source and owner of the trademarks, service marks, and copyrights related to the Russell
Indexes. MSCI data © MSCI 2022, all rights reserved. Bloomberg data provided by Bloomberg.

World Stock Market Performance

MSCI All Country World Index with selected headlines from Q3 2022

These headlines are not offered to explain market returns. Instead, they serve as a reminder that investors should view daily events from a long-term perspective and avoid making investment decisions based solely on the news.

Graph Source: MSCI ACWI Index (net dividends). MSCI data © MSCI 2022, all rights reserved.
It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Performance does not reflect the expenses associated with management of an actual portfolio. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

World Stock Market Performance

MSCI All Country World Index with selected headlines from past 12 months

These headlines are not offered to explain market returns. Instead, they serve as a reminder that investors should view daily events from a long-term perspective and avoid making investment decisions based solely on the news.

Graph Source: MSCI ACWI Index (net dividends). MSCI data © MSCI 2022, all rights reserved.
It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Performance does not reflect the expenses associated with management of an actual portfolio. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

US Stocks

Third quarter 2022 index returns

International Developed Stocks

Third quarter 2022 index returns

Emerging Markets Stocks

Third quarter 2022 index returns

Country Returns

Third quarter 2022 index returns

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Third quarter 2022 index returns


Third quarter 2022 index returns

Fixed Income

Third quarter 2022 index returns

Global Fixed Income

Third quarter 2022 yield curves

What Drives Investment Returns? Start with Ingenuity.

Third quarter 2022

A recent news item reported that Frederick Smith intended to step down as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of FedEx Corp., the largest air freight firm in the world.

As a Yale undergraduate in 1965, Smith wrote a term paper for his economics course outlining an overnight air delivery service for urgently needed items such as medicines or computer parts. His professor was not much impressed with the paper, but after a stint in the Air Force, Smith sought to put his classroom idea into practice. He founded Federal Express (now FedEx) in 1971, and one evening in April 1973, 14 Dassault Falcon jets took off from Memphis airport with 186 packages destined for 25 cities.

In retrospect, it was not an auspicious time to launch a new venture requiring expensive aircraft consuming large quantities of jet fuel. Oil prices rose sharply later that year following the Arab states’ oil embargo, and the US economy fell into a deep recession. Most airlines struggled during the 1970s, and Federal Express was no exception.

But Smith’s idea found favor with customers, and 49 years after its initial deliveries, the firm is a global colossus with over 650 aircraft, including 42 Boeing 777s—each of which can fly more cargo than 100 Falcons.
Although it took over two years to turn its first profit, FedEx became the first start-up in American history to generate over $1 billion in revenue in less than 10 years without relying on mergers or acquisitions. The journey has proved rewarding for investors as well—100 shares purchased at the initial offering price of $24 in 1978 has mushroomed to 3,200 shares worth over $718,000 as of May 31, 2022.1

Fred Smith’s idea is just one example of ingenuity that humans have exhibited for centuries. Sticks and stones led to hammers and spears, the wheel and axle, the steam engine, and eventually semiconductors and jet aircraft. The invention of writing made it possible to store and hand down information from one generation to the next, enabling ingenuity to compound into an ever-increasing body of knowledge.

Although we often associate innovation with clever new technology, some remarkable developments have required little more than astute powers of observation. The curse of smallpox, for example, has afflicted humans with death or disfigurement for thousands of years. English doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had previously experienced cowpox did not catch smallpox, and in 1796, he took material from a milkmaid’s cowpox sore and inoculated James Phipps, the nine-year-old son of his gardener. Later exposed to the virus, Phipps never developed smallpox, and Jenner published a treatise on vaccination in 1801. Smallpox vaccines gradually eliminated the disease in countries around the world, and the last known case was reported in Somalia in 1977.

  1. Stock split information sourced from FedEx investor relations website. Stock price information provided by Bloomberg. This is not taking into account cash dividends or any reinvestment.

What Drives Investment Returns?
Start with Ingenuity.

(continued from page 16)

One innovation often paves the way for others:
• Charles Lindbergh took off from Long Island for his historic
transatlantic flight to Paris on May 20, 1927. That same day, J.
Willard Marriott opened a nine-stool lunch counter serving cold A&W
root beer in Washington, D.C. Ten years later he began to supply box
lunches to airlines flying from nearby Hoover airport and 20 years
later opened the world’s first motor hotel in Arlington, Virginia. Today,
Marriott is the world’s leading travel firm, with over 8,000 hotel
properties in 139 countries.
• The now-ubiquitous microwave oven can trace its roots to a happy
accident. While working on radar equipment in 1945 for
Massachusetts-based Raytheon, electronics engineer Percy Spencer
noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket had suddenly melted. His
curiosity led to the introduction of commercial-grade water-cooled
microwave ovens in 1947 costing thousands and ultimately to
countertop units available today for $99.
• Frustrated by lengthy delays associated with loading and unloading
cargo ships, trucking firm owner Malcolm McLean launched a
shipping service in 1956 using standardized steel containers of his
own design. Met with great skepticism when first introduced, his idea
for theftproof stackable cargo boxes eventually transformed the
global shipping industry—and world trade—by slashing dockside
loading costs over 90%.
• On June 26, 1974, cashier Sharon Buchanan inaugurated the era of
barcode inventory tracking when she scanned a pack of Juicy Fruit
gum bearing a Universal Product Code at Marsh Supermarket in
Troy, Ohio. Barcode scanners eliminated the drudgery and inevitable
mistakes associated with manual entry by checkout clerks and
provided store managers with powerful tools to track sales trends. As
retailers such as Home Depot, Ross Stores, and Walmart expanded
throughout the country in recent decades, barcode technology played
a key role in matching inventory with local preferences at each
• In March 2022, a 20-year-old woman born with a small and
misshapen right ear received a 3D-printed ear implant made from her
own cells and shaped to precisely match her other ear. Although
experimental, the procedure represented a significant advance in
tissue engineering and could eventually lead to artificial organs such
as lungs or kidneys.
The benefits of innovation are widely dispersed throughout the
economy, often in unpredictable ways. Apple Inc. became one of the
world’s most valuable companies based on its clever marriage of the
computer and the telephone; both iPhone users and Apple shareholders
reaped substantial rewards.
On the other hand, suppose your fairy godmother had told you in 1935,
at the dawn of commercial air travel, that this tiny sector of the economy would eventually become a gigantic industry with millions of
passengers flying every year—including some flying from breakfast in
New York to Los Angeles for dinner. What would your prediction be for
industry pioneers such as TWA or Pan American? Most likely, bountiful
prosperity and rewarding stock market performance. The millions of
passengers materialized. The profits did not. Both firms went bankrupt.
So innovation itself does not ensure prosperity in every case.
That’s why it makes sense to diversify. Investors are often tempted to
focus their attention on firms that appear poised to benefit from
innovation. But it’s difficult to predict which ideas will prove successful,
and even if we could, it’s unclear which firms will benefit and to what
extent. Software giant Microsoft has been a big winner for investors,
with the share value soaring more than 100-fold over the 30-year period
ending May 31, 2022. Discount retailer Ross Stores proved even more
rewarding, as the stock price multiplied over 189 times during the same
period. One firm developed powerful computer technology and the other
applied it.
Civilization is a history of innovation—curious minds seeking to improve
upon existing ways of meeting mankind’s wants and needs. Public
securities markets are just one example of such creativity, and they
have a history of rewarding investors for the capital they supply to fund
such innovation. But a significant fraction of the wealth created in public
equity markets typically comes from only a small number of firms;
therefore, we believe owning a broad universe of stocks is the most
effective way to participate in the rewards of ingenuity and innovation,
wherever and whenever it takes place.

Investments involve risks. The investment return and principal value of an investment may fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original value. Past performance
is not a guarantee of future results. There is no guarantee strategies will be successful.
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Advisors Canada ULC, Dimensional Fund Advisors Pte. Ltd., Dimensional Japan Ltd. and Dimensional Hong Kong Limited. Dimensional Hong Kong Limited is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission to conduct Type 1
(dealing in securities) regulated activities only and does not provide asset management services. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Investment products: • Not FDIC Insured • Not Bank Guaranteed • May Lose Value
Dimensional Fund Advisors does not have any bank affiliates


Efficient Advisors, LLC (“Efficient”) is an SEC-registered investment adviser
that provides discretionary asset management to individuals, corporations, and trusts. Registration neither implies an endorsement by the SEC nor connotes a specific level of skill or training. Efficient uses exchange traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds to provide globally diversified, structured investment portfolios to its clients. The information presented here has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or by any state securities authority.

Please note that the models discussed in the presentation are designed to illustrate the benefits of global diversification and do not represent actual Efficient Advisors’ portfolios. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Efficient Advisors’ Portfolios prior to investing. This and other important information about Efficient can be found in Efficient’s Disclosure Brochure and at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov. All investments involve risk, including the loss of principal. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investments in securities are subject to volatility, or in other words, subject to rapid or unexpected changes. Future performance may be less than, equal to, or greater than past performance. An investor and his financial advisor should discuss risk, volatility and possible ways to lower exposure to risk and volatility. Risk can be systematic, also known as market risk, and nonsystematic. Systematic risk affects the economy and securities markets as a whole. Systematic risk includes risk such as liquidity risk, inflation risk, interest-rate risk, and sociopolitical risk.

Nonsystematic risk is linked to investment in a particular industry sector or company. Types of nonsystematic risk include management risk and credit risk. ETFs and mutual funds are designed to mitigate systematic and nonsystematic risk by diversification, but remain subject to these risks. ETFs and mutual funds will have similar risks as well as other risks, such as investment management strategy risk. In Efficient’s managed portfolios, Efficient attempts to mitigate these risks by broadly diversifying the allocation across multiple asset classes of stocks and bonds, in both the US domestic and International markets. Efficient applies a disciplined, long-term, structured investment methodology and does not react to the emotional temptation to alter allocations due to short-term market volatility.

Performance and benchmark results are provided exclusively for illustrative purposes. The hypothetical results shown were achieved by means of back testing a hypothetical portfolio of representative indices for each asset class. The results assume annual rebalancing of the portfolios, the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. The performance results do not reflect the deduction of transaction fees or custodial charges. Management fees are also excluded, unless specifically denoted, since this is a hypothetical illustration using indexes to demonstrate the benefits of diversification and does not represent actual Efficient Advisors portfolios. For information about the fees and expenses for Efficient’s portfolios, please review Efficient’s Disclosure Brochure.

Hypothetical performance results have certain inherent limitations. Hypothetical results are designed with the benefit of hindsight. For reasons including variances in portfolio account holdings (including the amount invested in cash), variances in the investment management fee incurred, market fluctuation, the date on which a client initiates an investment strategy, and any account contributions or withdrawals, the actual performance experienced by an investor may vary substantially from the indicated hypothetical performance results. Comparisons to benchmarks have limitations because benchmarks have volatility and other material characteristics that may differ from the portfolio(s) shown. Also, performance results for benchmarks do not reflect payment of investment management/incentive fees and other fund expenses. Because of these differences, benchmarks should not be relied upon as the sole measure of comparison. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. The results may under- or over compensate for the impact of various market and economic factors such as systematic and nonsystematic risk. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve future profits or losses similar to those shown. Investors should not assume that investment decisions Efficient makes in the future will be profitable or equal the investment performance of the past. Past performance does not indicate future results. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Happy Holidays 2021-2022!

Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
We are wishing you the best health, happiness and prosperity going into 2022. In this issue is a great article for planning next year, and a good idea for a gift to give parents or grandparents; Kasey’s Will for leaving a legacy of stories and life lessons.

Our office schedule for the end of the year:

Closed Friday Dec. 24th to Friday December 31st for ChristmasReopening Monday January 3rd, 2022
We will be checking our mail and messages

To your Prosperity,
Kasey Claytor, Aaron Wade and Dawn Lopez

Here comes 2022: Will history repeat itself?
Whether we’re ready for it or not, 2022 will be here in a few days. Another year will have passed. You’ll look at your schedule, your finances, maybe even at the bathroom scale and wonder if this time next year you’ll be any closer to achieving the changes in your life you’d really like to make.Setting aside his politics for a moment, Karl Marx once wrote an interesting observation, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”1 He was of course speaking of national events affecting millions of people. But the principle holds true in our personal lives as well. Our actions may cause us an unexpected setback. But then the next time we’re faced with a similar circumstance, we can’t seem to resist taking the same action again—even though we are fully aware of its detrimental outcome.Sales of expensive exercise equipment, scheduling planners, and weight loss apps soar in the first few weeks of January each year. People switch from indulging themselves to buying devices and memberships they hope will change how their conduct their lives.Unfortunately, these hoped-for transformations rarely take hold. Research has shown that willpower alone is not enduring enough to cause significant life change.2 It eventually gives out and the person goes back to their habit.The good news is that change is possible and the New Year is an excellent time to work for self improvement.Business coach Ashira Prossack has helped her clients find success by inserting a step before they make new resolutions, and that’s to spend time reflecting back on the year that is ending. The hustle of the holidays don’t make this easy.”With the end of the year fast approaching,” she writes, “it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The holidays are often the busiest time of year, and there’s the added pressure of trying to finish up everything (at work) before December 31st.”3Prossack says you have to purposely set aside time to think back. But, she adds, at the end of the year you’re primed and ready to be in reflection mode.The next step, she advises, is to write out your goals for your personal life and career. Don’t worry yet about how you’ll accomplish them. Just get them down on paper. And be as detailed as possible.Finally, she says, write up your “game plan.” Identify the things you will need to do to accomplish your goals. And then list the specific steps you will need to take. The important thing is to write it all out. This will force you to think clearly about what it will take for you to accomplish your goal. If you break them down into small, easily doable tasks, you’ll be much better prepared to hit the ground running next year.And as far as financial goals, we would love to talk with you about what you’d like to accomplish over the next 12 months and how we can help you get there.Have a happy New Year and we will see you in 2022.

Sources:1. http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/quotes-karl-marx-382655/74zy66/1369296997?h=IVKKPIlyw5bi5djFDCIJmCOSLhSf3xorZg4Op_YEltg2. ​​http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/-willpower-isnt-always-enough-/74zy68/1369296997?h=IVKKPIlyw5bi5djFDCIJmCOSLhSf3xorZg4Op_YEltg3. http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/usiness-success-new-year-2019-/74zy6b/1369296997?h=IVKKPIlyw5bi5djFDCIJmCOSLhSf3xorZg4Op_YEltgDisclosure:The views expressed herein are exclusively those of Efficient Advisors, LLC (‘EA’), and are not meant as investment advice and are subject to change. All charts and graphs are presented for informational and analytical purposes only. No chart or graph is intended to be used as a guide to investing. EA portfolios may contain specific securities that have been mentioned herein. EA makes no claim as to the suitability of these securities. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Information contained herein is derived from sources we believe to be reliable, however, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. This information is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. You should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any security or investment strategy discussed or recommended in this report and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. You should note that security values may fluctuate and that each security’s price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Investing in any security involves certain systematic risks including, but not limited to, market risk, interest-rate risk, inflation risk, and event risk. These risks are in addition to any unsystematic risks associated with particular investment styles or strategies.

A great Christmas gift for parents and grandparents!
A workbook to state the legacy of one’s beliefs, ethics, values and history to pass down.
As a financial planner and advisor, I’ve assisted people with their estate planning for well over 30 years; how to prepare our possessions and financial assets to pass easily to our loved ones and charities, but what about our intangibles? Our knowledge? What is in our hearts?
Within this workbook are questions to trigger or inspire you on various topics such as impactful life lessons, humorous family stories, good advice from your parents, and things you wish you had been taught!
This is your love letter to those who live on after you and even those who aren’t born yet.
On sale now on Amazon. Just click on the image below.Kasey Claytor

August Newsletter

These are heavy times we are going through! We hope all is well with you and your family. The markets are trudging forward regardless of the news, and that is in part because the markets are forward looking and betting things will improve. 
    We have been busy these last few months handling all of our client’s needs as well as several new clients coming in. It is heartening to have new clients who understand our prudent strategy of investing.
Some news~    Kasey has been working on a pet project that you just might be interested in! She’s writing a workbook that is a guide to making your own spiritual or ethical will. It’s a fascinating topic.
As a financial planner and advisor, Kasey has assisted people with their estate planning for well over 30 years. Explaining how our possessions and financial assets can pass easily to our loved ones and charities, but what about our intangibles? Our knowledge? What is in our hearts? When she learned of this, she found it so intriguing she decided not only would she put down her own most cherished beliefs and insights, but would also make this available to everyone by creating a workbook; a gentle guide to go through the process of creating one’s own spiritual legacy.
The act of writing it benefits the author—you—too. The writing of an ethical will can bind you more to your heritage, understanding more of your own cultural history, and define your ethical and spiritual values. Thus, you create an intangible, but very meaningful, legacy. Through the project you may begin to understand how your life made a difference, and can continue to do so through your efforts in the Ethical or Spiritual Will workbook, (name it what you want).
We will keep you posted on when it will be available, hopefully by October. If you are interested in being in our Beta test group for the first draft of this workbook, let us know. You can hit reply to this email.

Happy Holidays & Hours

It has been a tough year for most of us, and for some it’s been almost unbearable. We feel for everyone who has suffered this year, those near and far.

Now we are on the verge of a new year, and perhaps a good start over. We’ve sure had plenty to complain about.

In 2021 let’s turn that around. Let’s shift toward noticing what around us is good; things and experiences to be grateful for; who is in our lives, the comforts we have, the fresh air we breathe, the smiles, the market and economic recovery, and hope. We all have reasons to feel gratitude. We can’t feel gratitude while complaining!

Let’s bring to the forefront the virtues we hold to be important, such as integrity, compassion, courage, generosity, patience, modesty, and honesty.

And most importantly, the love we have between all of us, the most powerful thing we have that nothing can destroy.

We wish you a peaceful and meaningful holiday season.

We will be closed from December 24th to January 4th, 2021 for the Holidays.

Thank you for being part of our family, have a safe and healthy holiday and please take care.

To your Prosperity,

Kasey Claytor and Aaron Wade
Investment Advisor Representatives
photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash See LessEdit1 ShareLikeCommentShare

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Osprey Money Management’s response to COVID-19

We know everyone is aware of the increase in cases of the virus in Florida. The reasons for this are varied i.e. more testing, more social functions and businesses opening, hot weather pushing people indoors together, etc.

We had just begun allowing clients in the office, downstairs in the conference room, with masks on all. We will be pulling back on this with an abundance of caution unless there’s an urgent reason. If this is the case, the room will be disinfected before and after use.

We can usually do everything we need either by phone, email or regular mail. If you need to sign paperwork for instance, we can mail it, or even bring it out to your car.

We do have other renters downstairs who are in and out of the building, and we don’t want you to be unnecessarily exposed.
Even if you feel the risk is small, it doesn’t hurt to be careful, and there is really no downside.

Please call if you need anything, and Be Well.

New RMD Rules and More

Here is some good news for those who are over 70 1/2 taking RMDs. 

     Due to recent legislation that has passed, Required Minimum Distributions for IRA accounts have been suspended for 2020. Normally, if you are over 70 1/2 you are required to withdraw a certain minimum amount each year.

     If you would like to suspend your withdrawals this year just give us a call.
     Also, if you are turning 70 1/2 this year or later, you will not be required to withdraw mandatory amounts until 72 years of age.

     Also most people are waiting for their stimulus checks. If you aren’t required to file a tax return, will you still get one? Yes. Non-filers follow this link to the IRS website and fill out the form to receive your stimulus deposit right into your checking account. 

     Lastly, I was going through a file folder, cleaning out a drawer, (Oh, the projects we find during our quarantine) and came across a newsletter I wrote after 9-11 in 2001. And it is still so relevant today, I thought you might find it interesting. It is posted below this newsletter. 

Stay Home, Stay Safe and Be Well  

To Your Prosperity and Wellbeing,

Kasey Claytor

Aaron Wade

Investment Advisor Representatives

Osprey Money Management LLC   

What to do Now?

Life throws us small and large challenges. That is true whatever your background is, wherever you live, or who you are born to. One of the main tests in life is how you react to it.           

 All this recent news has me wishing I could just sell my children’s book and live in that world. But that wouldn’t be fair to all of our dear and valued clients who expect to hear from us during bad times as well as good times. As you should.           

So, the stock market is appearing to fall into the basement. Where is the bottom? When will it stop? Will we lose our assets? And when will this virus recede? What will happen before it does?            

No one knows the answers to these questions. The biggest clue to the future we have is found by looking at what went before.We have been here many times! Since I began my career in this financial industry in 1983, I’ve seen this type of situation many times: epidemics, pandemics, bear markets, and market corrections. And this is true: they are temporary. The markets recover. The viruses go away.            

What is different is the modes of communication. The wide spread use of social media, the insidious use of news media continuously ramping up the use of alarming terminology when reporting information. In the 60s breaking news was used for an assassination or a huge global event. Now breaking news is every five minutes. The stress is high. The benefit is to the advertisers who know you’ll feel the need to continue to watch to prepare for some horrific future.            

The short-term moves in the stock markets, (those less than 1 year, or even 3 years) are based more on emotions: fear, greed and hope, or guesses, than reality. Traders are constantly guessing what is around the corner. Most often they are just shooting in the dark.            

We have always cautioned to ignore these short-term expressions in the markets. When we look year over year, we see a calmer vista, a long expansion of growth. I’m including a chart that illustrates how the stock markets fall within every year, sometimes a small amount, sometimes pretty deeply, but over the years the declines are filled in, made up, risen out of.            

I will tell you a little story. We stockbrokers all sat at our desks one Monday in October in 1987 completely stunned, paralyzed, because the markets were in what appeared to be a free fall like we’d never, ever seen. It was the largest percentage one day drop in history (-22.6%). That week we were dazed and afraid. But I did know the worst thing I thought I could do was to sell into this horrible market. Brokers, money managers, financial advisors, whatever you label those in this industry, do have emotions too.           

 One of my coworkers panicked. He sold and went to cash that week in his own 401k. We had about the same amount in our 401ks, we had been hired the same year 4 years earlier. The markets rose again, of course, and sometime during the recovery, he went back into the market. But he had lost so much, and being out of the market when it was going back up he never was able to make up for the losses he took selling at that time.           

What a lesson for me as a young, green broker. I never forgot it. And I don’t want you to either.So hunker down, stay healthy and take care. 

 I do hope you can read the attached graph. It shows each years close in orange and the lowest points during the year with a purple diamond. Big drops are common, but always big news in the media.  To Your Prosperity and Wellbeing,

Kasey Claytor
Aaron Wade
Investment Advisor Representatives
Osprey Money Management LLC